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InterQ Research Social Media

Hootsuite, a social media platform company, recently released its 2022 Social Trends report and there are a number of trends that caught our attention, specifically, how companies are migrating to other social media platforms besides Facebook and Instagram, and the continued importance of social listening.

Social Media-The Great Migration

While Facebook and Instagram have been the go-to social platforms for marketing teams, there has been a migration to other social media sites such as Pinterest, Tik Tok, and Snapchat. It appears that this trend will continue in 2022 with companies working to establish their brands on these other social media platforms.

It isn’t as simple as opening an account on these different social sites and ‘cut and pasting’ what you promote on one social media site to another. Each platform is distinct and users of the various platforms have different expectations when engaging with brands across the different platforms.

To make it even more confusing for marketing teams, some companies are quitting social altogether. Some brands are wondering if they should stay, or should they go. Either decision has consequences, which is why we work closely with organizations to develop comprehensive media planning strategies.

Social Listening, Explained

Social listening has been around for years, and if companies have any sort of social media presence, conducting a social listening campaign in 2022 is much advised. When brands want to track, analyze, and respond to the conversations happening on social media, they’ll be well served by a social listening campaign.

Here are some of the benefits of social listening:

It’s done in real time

It’s uncensored

It’s flexible

It’s quick

It has proven ROI

InterQ has helped many companies with their social listening campaigns. Our teams have years of experience crafting campaigns to help companies develop media planning strategies to maximize their social media effect.

As you begin planning marketing strategies for the New Year, consider breathing new life into your social media strategy by investing in a listening campaign.

To see how you can improve your social presence, request a proposal today.